Two December retirements at Reed Library

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Ms. Cindy Yochym and Ms. Pat Cummings-Witter will both be retiring from Reed Library during the week of December 19, 2022

Cindy has been a Reference librarian at Reed Library and served students, faculty, staff and members of the community with distinction, dedication, passion, kindness and empathy. Cindy’s role as a librarian has been a steadying force during a time of immense change.  She has introduced countless students to the joys of microfilm and its relevancy in the digital age.  Cindy’s legacy is without a doubt her reinvigoration of the annual Freedonia Marxonia celebration, bringing the local, national, and online community of fans together.  Hail, Hail Freedonia, Cindy!

Pat Cummings-Witter has been the Reed Library archives clerk, serving the campus, local, national and international community with dedication, distinction and humor.  Pat’s Familiar Faces project, where she coordinated the identification of faculty and staff in archival photos, is one example of the lasting impact of her work.  She will be remembered for her involvement in the campus rock band, The Nomads, and her ukulele compositions and performances.  Enjoy your retirement, Pat.

Both have been vital members of the Reed Library family and will be greatly missed. Cindy’s last day will be Wednesday, December 21st and Pat’s will be December 22nd.  Please stop by Reed to wish them well.






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